Arise My Love - Joan Szymko
Rockin' Jerusalem - Arr. Stacey Gibbs
Grace Before Sleep - Susan LaBarr
San'bonani Namhla Kudibene SATB - Arr. Michael Barrett
Sarasponda 2-Part - Arr. Ruth Bushkoff
Ezekiel SATB - Arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
Little Birch Tree 2-Part - Arr. Sue E. Bohlin
Cradle Hymn SATB - Kim Andre Arnesen
Sing To Me SATB - Andrea Ramsey
Nine Hundred Miles SA - Arr. Philip E. Silvey
Dance for Love SATB - Z. Randall Stroope
Hope Is The Thing With Feathers SA - Susan LaBarr
Nda Wana SATB - Arr. Michael Barret
Lunar Lullaby TTBB - Jacob Narverud
Famine Song SSAA - Vida, Arr. Matthew Culloton
Go, Lovely Rose - Eric Whitacre
I Am Not Yours SSAA - David N. Childs
Et Misericordia (Magnificat) SATB - Kim Andre Arnesen
Emerald Stream SATB - Seth Houston
Sanctus - Randall Johnson
You Are The Song SSA - Jacob Narverud
Journey Home SATB - Abbie Betinis
Gao Shan Qing TTBB - Arr. Reed Criddle
Jambo SSA - Jacob Narverud