The Last Words of David TTBB - Randall Thompson
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence SATB - Edward Cuthbert Bairstow
The paper reeds by the brooks (The Peaceable Kingdom) SATB - Randall Thompson
Glory To God In The Highest - Randall Thompson
Five Mystical Songs SATB - Ralph Vaughan Williams
Wir Eilen Mit Schwachen, Doch Emsigen Schritten SA - J.S. Bach
O Magnum Mysterium SSAA - Victoria (Vittoria), Arr. Victoria Glaser
Behold A Star From Jacob Shining (Christus) SATB - Felix Mendelssohn
All My Trials SATB - Gwyneth Walker
Fa Una Canzona SATB - Orazio Vecchi
Have ye not known (The Peaceable Kingdom) - Randall Thompson
La Llorona (Three Mexican Folk Songs) - David Conte
How Can I Keep From Singing TTBB - Gwyneth Walker
Oh, Mi Belén! (Carols And Lullabies) SATB - Conrad Susa
The Tree of Peace - Gwyneth Walker
O Vos Omnes SATB - Victoria, Ed. Thomas Dunn
This Train SSAA - Gwyneth Walker
Summer (Two Eastern Pictures) SSA - Gustav Holst
The Pasture (Frostiana) SATB - Randall Thompson
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening TBB (Frostiana) - Randall Thompson
Come In SSA (Frostiana) - Randall Thompson
Jesu dulcis memoria SATB - Leo Nestor
Antiphon SATB - Randall Thompson
A La Nanita Nana (Carols and Lullabies) SATB - Conrad Susa