Springtime In Alberta SATB - Arr. Larry Nickel
Jing-Ga-Lye-Ya (Christmas Verson) SATB - Bruce Sled
Hymn Of Acxiom SATB - Vienna Teng, Arr. Robin Salkeld
May I Be Still SATB - Brian Tate
Candles Are Dancing SATB - Penny Blake & Harris Loewen
Hunker Down TTBB - Tobin Stokes
Missa Brevis for Three Voices SAA - Stephanie Martin
Le Secret De Dieu (Méditations De La Vierge Marie) SSA - Marie-Claire Saindon
L' Annonce (Méditations De La Vierge Marie) SSA - Marie-Claire Saindon
Who Would Have Thought SSA - Jamie Hillman
The Dawn Is Not Distant SSAA - Christine Donkin
Ave Maria SSSAAA - David MacIntyre
Joy SSAA - Kathleen Allan
Solstice Song SATB - arr. Larry Nickel
Huron Carol SSAB - Arr. Andy Hillhouse
The Water is Wide TTBB - arr. Miles Ramsey
The Huron Carol SATB - Arr. Edward Henderson
Fogarty's Cove SATB - Arr. Ron Smail
Klee Wyck SA - Brian Tate
The Huron Carol TTBB - Arr. Edward Henderson
Pussy Willows, Cat-Tails SATB - Arr. Larry Nickel
Da Pacem SSAA - Jeff Enns
We Rise Again SSAA - Arr. Stephen Smith
All Together We Are Love SSA - Katerina Gimon